2016년 2월 9일 화요일

2016 SKT T1 Bang Best of AD Lucian Highlight - League of Legends Game

2016 SKT T1 Bang Best of AD Lucian Highlight - League of Legends Game

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3DWRXFILwk

1. Who are the players bang?

He is a member of SKT T1 Team. SKT T1 is a member of the early days of the photo above. Above, I can not find him.

SKT T1 was the best team. After the championship was a crash.

The second team is as follows.

Top : Marin
Jungle : Bengi / Tom
MID : Faker / Easyhoon
AD Carry : Bang
Support : Wolf / Piccaboo

His skills were developed were steady. Therefore, it welcomed the role of a second World Cup championship.

Since 2016 began a new roll Champions League. In Korea. The team changed the reputation of SKT T1 disappeared.

2. Lucian character and what's the relationship?

 Team, but this recession was alone with Lucian Cary character. Only one will carry through the AD Carry.

Please listen to his play. Learn. And praise.

Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZnQR5x3-FkeUCiCnF-_DCw


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